Month {1}
My girl turned a month old on Thursday, October 17th. I know...I'm super late with this update. But newborns are a lot of work so blogging has taken an intentional back seat. ;)
Anyway, I seriously can't believe a whole month (plus a couple weeks) has passed since I had her. I just love her so. I spend most of my days staring at her little awe and disbelief that she came from me. God is so good. And I'm so thankful. {1 Month Recap} Height & Weight
At 3 weeks,…
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1st Blogiversary
On October 6th, Selfless Ambition turned ONE!
Blogging has been so much fun for truly is my creative outlet.
I took a trip down memory lane the other day and read some of my old posts. Reading some of those posts reminded me about how much has happened in the past's definitely been a whirlwind year for us.
Take a stroll down memory lane with me!
1st Post: Cruisin' the Western Mediterranean
{A recap of my European vacay with my hubby & cousins}
1st Style P…
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Date Night + $125 Zara Giftcard Giveaway
Hubby and I celebrated 4 years of marriage last Friday. I wrestled with whether or not I was ready to leave baby behind for a night out with my man. But when my parents offered to come over and babysit, I obliged. And I'm glad I did. We needed the time away and it was kind of nice being in the company of other grown-ups. ;)
I've lost about 20 of the 45 pounds I gained during pregnancy. I tried on a couple of dresses in my closet but nothing seemed to fit quite right. Which se…
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Introducing Ryann Olivia | Birth Story
Our sweet girl, Ryann, arrived on Tuesday evening, September 17th. Here is our birth story. My due date was actually September 16th . I recall feeling quite proud of myself for making it to my due date. Mainly because so many people said I wouldn't make it. Not sure why they kept saying that so I concluded that they were secretly saying I was huge and they simply couldn't fathom seeing me gain another pound. Or maybe I was just being hormonal, overly sensitive, and thinking the…
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Guest Post: Happy Wife, Happy Life...Threat or Charge?
Today's guest post comes to you courtesy of my best blog friend, LaNesha of We are the Tabbs . LaNesha and I became instant friends almost a year ago after crossing paths in blog land. She's so genuine and funny. And her blog is a-maze...covering all things faith, marriage & family, the perils of being a working mom, DIY, and much more. Love her blog! And I know you will go check her out!
P.S. She also offers custom blog design services .
She even designed my littl…
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